The Fantasy Fire Problem
Our team's submission to the 2019 UCSB GCD Winter Jam. Going along with the "Retro" submission theme, we've decided to create a game inspired by the original Legend of Zelda, with a twist.
You're an adventurer looking to complete one last quest. The purple door holds the key to victory, but how will you make it there? Gather a sword to kill enemies? Logs to cross rivers? Bombs to destroy rocks? One thing is for certain, you will need the purple key to unlock what lies behind the purple door.
You've also caught a bad case of the "being on fire"s. So don't go back to any of the spaces you already stepped on and it should be a walk in the park. The park will be on fire, but who cares, you'll have won!
W -- Up
A -- Left
S -- Down
D -- Right
ESC -- Pause
Up/Down Arrow Keys -- Select Menu Option
Return/Enter -- Confirm Menu Selection
Dylan Yu, Alex Lancaster, Casey Gatlin, Charlie Wan, Moritz Droste, Shaurye Mahajan